日本製 Terra Wash+Mg 鎂潔洗衣片 100g 洗淨+消臭+除菌+槽洗淨 日本專利 海外版 環保 經濟 

Terra Wash+Mg 鎂潔洗衣片 榮獲 2019 ALLERGY UK 機構認定 ALLERGY FRIENDLY PRODUCT


單次洗衣成本不到 4 元,非常經濟省錢

100 萬片

  • 一次購買 4 件(含)以上,每件只要 NT1,050
  • 一次購買 2 件(含)以上,每件只要 NT1,075
規格型號 +MG
庫存狀況 現貨

尤其小孩衣物洗淨,請交給 Terra Wash+Mg


Terra Wash+Mg 是什麼?
Terra 在拉丁文中意思是 earth,也就是地球的意思!而 Mg 是 magnesium 也就是金屬元素「鎂」,被發現有極強的清潔、殺菌、消臭能力,對我們日常洗衣方式,將產生革命性的改變。


Terra Wash+Mg 特色:
洗衣無需洗衣精、洗衣粉:有極強的清潔力,洗衣時只要放入 Terra Wash+Mg 即可,以後都不用再買那些含化學成份、香料合成的洗衣精和洗衣粉了。
可重複使用:可使用 365 次,非常經濟省錢,平均一次洗衣花費不到 4 元。
超強除臭力:不含任何香料成份,除臭能力約為一般洗衣粉的 10 倍。
對人類友善:100% 無毒,亦不含任何合成的化學物質,不造成身體過敏。尤其對幼兒與敏感性肌膚的人非常合適
國際大獎肯定:榮獲 2017 NATEXPO GOLD ORGANIC INNOVATION,ALLERGY UK allergy friendly product。




1. 某日本東京男性:我剛開始也是半信半疑,直到我使用它第一次洗衣後,我感受到它強大的除臭能力。以前洗完衣服曬乾後,衣服仍然會有些味道,使用了 Terra Wash+Mg 之後,再也沒有這方面的困擾了。

2. 某日本東京女性:真是令人驚異!我的衣服現在聞起來氣味好舒服!我也很高興洗衣服的同時,洗衣槽也乾淨了。

3. 日本女性 michi:我好喜歡,丈夫襯衫領口的污垢的洗乾淨了。以前嘗試過各種洗衣精洗衣粉,包括高劑量的洗衣精,都解決不了這問題。枕頭套也是,現在都沒難聞的油垢。之後我養了一隻柴犬,使用在柴犬柴身上的毛巾洗過也都乾淨無味。我現在更喜歡洗衣服了,洗衣服更有樂趣了。(2016/7/15)

4. 日本女性 chokumi:這個好棒。洗衣服變得更簡單了。白色衣服更潔白了,像用過漂白劑洗過一樣,家裡不再有臭臭的味道,真是簡單又棒的產品。(^_-)-☆(2016/6/16)

5. 台灣女性 郭小姐:哇!真不敢相信,使用後衣服變得更透、更白淨了。洗過曬乾的衣服摸起來不會滑滑像還有殘留物一樣,也不會澀澀粗粗的摸起來刮手,往後用來洗家中寶寶的衣服。還有就是深色衣物如黑色襯衫以前用洗衣粉洗完都還會殘留白色粉末,現在改用了 Terra Wash+Mg 之後,再也沒有這方面困擾,先生運動完的臭衣服洗完臭男人的味道也減少了。真的好喜歡。(2016/10/17)

6. 台灣男性 饒先生:洗衣服變簡單了!只要將這包 Terra Wash Mg 放進洗衣機,不用放任何其他洗衣產品就可將衣服洗得很乾淨,而且衣服、被單床單的臭味都不見了。(2016/10/24)

7. MD (Female), USA:We love your product! I love to order some more for my family! Our front-loading machine had bad moldy smell, made our clothes to smell too, but it’s all gone now after using Terra Wash+Mg and my clothes smell so fresh now!! It’s amazing! Your product is also saving us a ton of $$!!!!  Every house in the world should own one of these! Very thankful because I have a very sensitive nose and I hate things that smell bad....like towels. Thank you!

Mg 鎂的重要性!
地球上 91.2% 四種主要的元素組成,為鐵(32.1%) 、氧(30.1%) 、矽(15.1%) 、鎂(13.9%) 。其中鎂被認為是主要而且蘊藏量充足的元素,亦是礦物質之王,對於維繫和增進日常健康是絕對必要的,其離子也對人體器官細胞至關要。超過 300 種酶需要鎂離子的存在用於其催化作用。 還已知幫助穩定神經激發,維持血壓,以及在人類健康中適當地發揮心臟和肌肉的功能。

最近的研究已經發現更多關於奇蹟元素,鎂,對人類健康的巨大影響。 您可以從 Carolyn Dean 博士(The Magnesium Miracle,修訂和更新版,2006)寫的書中了解鎂對我們健康的重要性。

Terra Wash+Mg 運作原理?
Terra Wash+Mg 產品了由 99.95% 高純度的鎂構成,採用日本創新專利技術特別加工。當這種特殊的鎂與水接觸時,它產生氫氣氣泡並形成 pH 值約 10.5 的離子化鹼性水,這使得從織物上除去污垢變得更容易。這種特殊的水有很高的能力去除污垢、皮脂、黴菌、細菌及其氣味,讓衣物洗乾淨! Terra Wash+Mg 的另一個特點是它能夠減少水分子的大小,讓水分子更容易通過織物孔隙,帶來更好的清潔性能。

如何使用 Terra Wash+Mg?
1. 將 Terra Wash+Mg 鎂潔洗衣片放入洗衣槽內,開始洗衣程序。
2. 洗衣完畢,進到脫水程序之前,將 Terra Wash+Mg 鎂潔洗衣片取出。
3. 將 Terra Wash+Mg 鎂潔洗衣片掛起陰乾。

使用 1 年後:
根據使用頻率,會有10-30g(0.02 - 0.06 lb)的鎂消耗,這會降低產品的清潔性能,需要更換。 然而,舊產品可以與新的一起使用,因為更多的鎂導致更強的清潔力。否則,在一年使用後,

Q: 可用於多大容量洗衣機?
A: 適用 8 公升以下洗衣機。大於 8 公升容量的洗衣機,可一次使用 2 片鎂潔洗衣片。

Q: 可與含氯漂白劑、洗衣粉一起共用?
A: 不可。

Q: 運動服臭味重,是否可以清除?
A: 已經有累積一定時間臭味的一衣物,不見得可以完全清除其臭味。剛運動完脫下的衣服若沒有馬上清洗而是放了幾小時甚至超過一天再清洗,臭味已牢牢附著在衣服上,也有可能無法於一次清洗就去除味道,需要拉長洗程或是二次洗程去除臭味。

Q: 可與衣物放入烘乾機一起烘乾?
A: 不建議。因為愈多的洗程,會增加尼龍外袋布料的磨損。再者,雖然 Terra Wash+Mg 的鎂金屬為「大顆粒」狀,正常使用到需更換前,不會變成「粉末狀」,一般不會有燃燒起火的風險。還是強烈建議烘乾前先取出如果您使用洗、脫、烘三機一體洗衣機,請於烘衣前或是脫水前就取出 Terra Wash+Mg。

Q: 尼龍外袋會破損嗎?
A: 正常期限與次數範圍內使用,是不會破損的。尼龍袋採用較厚較強韌的纖維織成,正常使用並不會破損。如不小心割破尼龍袋,鎂金屬粒可能掉出而無法再使用,建議將鎂金屬粒埋入土壤中,或是購買類似的尼龍袋裝入鎂金屬粒封好開口繼續使用。

Q: 如何判斷何時該更換新品?
A: 每天洗衣一回,產品可使用 365 次,也就是一年後必須更換。如果洗衣頻率較高,譬如二天洗三次,則大約可以使用 8 個月,依此類推根據個人洗衣頻率,於洗衣機上或洗衣機旁,貼張貼紙標註一下啟用日期與預計更換日期。另一種方式是定期監測秤重此洗衣片,秤出的重量與新品(重115 g)的差值即為啟用之後的損耗,當重量低於 70 g 時,就需要更換了。


     內容物:日本 Terra Wash+Mg 鎂潔洗衣片 x1(內容物100g)
     商品尺寸/重量:13 x 10 x 2.5 cm / 115g
     包裝尺寸/重量:15.8 x 12.3 x 2.6 cm / 167g
     材質:99.95% 鎂
     保存期限:無(未拆封無保存期限問題,拆封後約可使用 365 次)

     1. 可用於上開式洗衣機、前開式洗衣機。
     2. 洗衣時單獨使用此鎂潔洗衣片即可,無須加任何洗衣粉或洗衣精。
     3.  8 公斤容量 (含) 以上洗衣機,洗衣時建議同時使用 2 片,洗淨效果更好。
     4. 勿與含氯漂白劑或其他任何洗潔劑共用。
     5. 洗衣結束後,請務必取出此洗衣片吊掛陰乾。

FAQ in English

Q. Will Terra Wash+Mg remove dirt and stains?
A. Yes, the test result shows Terra Wash+Mg is as effective as detergent in decomposing sebum dirt. 

Q. Do I need pre-spotting strong stains? 
A. Yes, since Terra Wash+Mg does not contain bleaching agents, you need pre-spotting stubborn stains as same as when using detergent. 

Q. Will Terra Wash+Mg remove odor?
A. Yes, the test result shows Terra Wash+Mg is about 10 times stubborn in removing odor components than detergent. 

Q. How does laundry smell after washing with Terra Wash+Mg? 
A. Terra Wash+Mg does not contain any fragrance agents, so laundry will be fragrance free with fresh scent. 

Q. Does Terra Wash+Mg work without any suds? A. Yes, it works without any suds. Q. Does Terra Wash+Mg need rinse cycle? 
A. No, since Terra Wash+Mg doesn’t create suds(bubbles) and doesn’t leave any chemical or soap residues, you can save rinse cycle so to save water. 

Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used in drying cycle? 
A. Leaving Terra Wash + Mg inside a machine during drying cycle will not cause any problems or affect cleaning property, but we recommend to remove Terra Wash+Mg before drying cycle because it may damage a nylon bag faster than not doing so. 

Q. If I accidentally forget to remove Terra Wash+Mg before drying cycle, will it affect cleaning property or damage the product? 
A. No, it will not affect Terra Wash+Mg ‘s cleaning property and it will not damage the product. However, since leaving Terra Wash+Mg inside a washing machine during drying cycle may damage a nylon bag faster than not doing so, we recommend to remove Terra Wash+Mg before drying cycle. 

Q. I often forget to take out Terra Wash+Mg and leave it in a washing machine all day or overnight. Will it damage a laundry machine or affect Terra Wash+Mg’s cleaning property?
A. No, it will not damage a laundry machine. However, leaving Terra Wash+Mg in wet place like in a washing machine for long hours when not in use may facilitate unnecessary oxidation, which may shorten the product life cycle and lower product performance, so make sure every time to air dry after use. 

Q. Can I use Terra Wash+Mg three times a day or can it be used consecutively?
A. Yes, you can and you can use Terra Wash+Mg consecutively. The effects are same even if you use Terra Wash+Mg more than three times a day or consecutively. 

Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used in hand wash?
A. Yes, it can be used for hand wash. Soak Terra Wash+Mg in water with cloth for 20-30 minutes and this should raise pH level of water to about 10.5, which makes easier for water to remove dirt from fabrics. pH level of water raise faster by a washing machine than just soaking Terra Wash+Mg in water because magnesium is well scrubbed in a washing machine. Only raising pH level of water will not offer full cleaning property compared to when using a washing machine. In order to have full cleaning property, please scrub Terra Wash+Mg well for few minutes in water which creates more bubbles of hydrogen and giving Terra Wash+Mg’s full cleaning potential. 

Q. Can I use bleach with Terra Wash+Mg?
A Yes, you can. However, DO NOT USE chlorine-based bleach. Oxygen-type bleach should work well with Terra Wash+Mg. 

Q. Can I use softener with Terra Wash+Mg?
A. Yes, you can. However, fragrance may possibly be weaken due to Terra Wash+Mg’s strong power to remove odor. 

Q. Can I use detergent or soap with Terra Wash+Mg?
A. Although it is unnecessary to use detergent and we recommend not to use detergent or soap with Terra Wash+Mg for environmental purposes, you may do so without any problem. When using detergent with Terra Wash+Mg, you may just reduce the usage amount of detergent or soap in half or less so to satisfy your desire for detergent while being better for environment. However, DO NOT USE chlorine-based detergent. 

Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used in hot/cold water? 
A. Yes, it can be used in both hot and cold water. Hot water may be better in cleaning property, but cold water is surely better for environment. 

Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used in hard/soft water?
A. Yes, it works effectively in both hard and soft water. 

Q. Can I use Terra Wash+Mg in HE, front-loading or top-loading washing machines? 
A. Yes, you can. It works in these types of washing machine. 

Q. Will Terra Wash+Mg damage the drum or sensors in HE washing machines?
A. No, it will not. Terra Wash+Mg withstands high-speed spin cycles and it is safe to use in HE washing machines.

Q. Will water used in washing cycle with Terra Wash+Mg affect septic system? 
A. No, it will not. Because Terra Wash+Mg leaves zero trace of chemicals without suds and soap residues, water used in washing cycle with Terra Wash+Mg is perfect for septic system. In addition, we recommend to use water used in washing cycle with Terra Wash+Mg to be used for farming if possible because magnesium contained in used water should help crops to grow healthier. 

Q. How long it takes for Terra Wash+Mg to raise pH level of water to around 10.5?
A. About 5 to 10 minutes depending on the amount of water used by a washing machine. Less water leads to faster raise in pH level. 

Q. Will water’s pH level decline as Terra Wash+Mg being used more?
A. No, there is practically no change in pH level. 

Q. Because Terra Wash+Mg is also effective in cleaning a washing machine itself by removing mold, will mold mix into laundry? 
A. Because Terra Wash+Mg removes, not melts, mold, peeled and shredded mold may possibly mix into laundry. We recommend to prewash your washing machine with Terra Wash+Mg so to clean out your washing machine prior to your first laundry. (How to prewash your washing machine) 
1, Place Terra Wash+Mg into washing machine and run through a complete cycle. 
2, If you still see grime on washing machine, please fill water and pour 1 cup of baking soda and soak it for 1 hour. 

Q. Can I use Terra Wash+Mg in public launderette?  
A. Yes, you surely can, but please be aware that laundry machines in public launderette may be very moldy due to heavy use and Terra Wash+Mg’s power to clean out a washing machine may cause mold to be mixed into your laundry. 

Q. Will Terra Wash+Mg damage my clothing?
A. No, it will not. It is 100% free of toxic and synthetic chemicals and protects fabrics by preserving fibers and colors, resulting in soft finish. It is a perfect match for organic cotton. 

Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used for delicate fabrics?
A. Yes, it can be. However, hand wash may be more suitable than machine wash for delicate fabrics like silk and wool in keeping shape. 

Q. Will Terra Wash+Mg retain cloth color?
A. Yes, it will, because Terra Wash+Mg does not contain any bleaching agents.

Q. How will I know when to replace old Terra Wash+Mg with new one? 
A. Simply measure the weight of the product. If the weight is about 70 – 80g(2.5 – 2.8oz), it’s about time to purchase a new one. The product starts from approx.110g(3.8oz) and the weight decreases as magnesium gradually dissolves during washing. Although the product continues to work with less than 70-80g, power may be weaker because the amount of magnesium influences the strength of cleaning. 

Q. What should I do with Terra Wash+Mg after 365 washes?
A. You can use the old product together with new one since more magnesium results in stronger cleaning power. Otherwise, you can also plant magnesium packed inside Terra Wash + Mg in your garden or planter so to return magnesium back to earth and make rich soil.

Q. Is Terra Wash+Mg 100% natural? 
A, Yes, Terra Wash+Mg does not contain any synthetic chemicals. Many detergents so called “Natural” sold in the market actually contain synthetic surfactant and are filled with too many ingredients’ name on the products’ label which people are not sure of. 

Q. Can people with sensitive skin or skin disorders use Terra Wash+Mg? 
A. Yes, surely they can. Terra Wash+Mg is 100% free of toxic and synthetic chemicals and is perfect for people with sensitive skin or skin disorders. 

Q. Does magnesium have risk of fire? 
A. No, magnesium will not burn under 600℃(Celsius) or 1,112℉(Fahrenheit). 

Q. Many claims regarding products’ effectiveness are found in websites or Wikipedia on some laundry balls sold in the market which are filled with ceramic. Is Terra Wash+Mg same as these products? 
A. No, Terra Wash+Mg is completely different from those products. Terra Wash+Mg is filled with highly purified magnesium, not ceramic and Terra Wash+Mg’s effectiveness is backed up by test results from reliable independent test labs in Japan. 

Q. After using Terra Wash+Mg for a while, I feel the power of washing is little weaker or not working anymore. What could be the possible reasons? 
A. First, measure the weight of your Terra Wash+Mg and make sure it has more than 70 - 80kg(2.5 - 2.8oz). If it is less than the amount, then, it is the time to replace to new one. If it is more than the amount and you feel like it is not working properly, surface of magnesium pellets may be little oxidized than average. To remove oxide film, prepare a bowl of white vinegar that you can find in the kitchen and soak Terra Wash+Mg (the whole sachet) for about 5 minutes. After soaking, rinse off vinegar from Terra Wash+Mg by using water. (Vinegar leftover will facilitate magnesium consumption, so please rinse off very well.) It is now ready to be used again. Moreover, leaving Terra Wash+Mg in wet place like in washing machine for long hours when not in use will also facilitate unnecessary oxidation, please make sure everytime to air dry after use.

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Terra Wash+Mg 鎂潔洗衣片 榮獲 2019 ALLERGY UK 機構認定 ALLERGY FRIENDLY PRODUCT



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